Established in 1934, The Great Canadian Sox Company is among the oldest Canadian businesses. The original business began in 1877 in Tavistock, Ontario, when J.B. Field had four employees knitting Merino wool socks for lumberjacks.
"Now, we're one of the largest manufacturers in Canada," says Priyanka Khimasia, the manager of Socks Outlet on Danforth Avenue and also the owner's daughter. "We've made socks for Roots, Adidas, Champion, Rebok and LL Bean. We also made socks for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Mountain Equipment coop carries our own brand, as well as the Super-Wool Hiker GX and Icelandic 30 Below."
Priyanka knows her subject. “I grew up around socks," she says, her face lighting up. "When I talk with my friends, they are amazed how much there is to know about socks.”
For about 30 years,Priyanka's family has owned The Great Canadian Sox Company and operated with about 35 employees. Priyanka started the Sox Outlet retail store in 2015. Over the years, the product range has expanded and the company name, owners and locations has changed, but Ontario remains its home.