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  • Anglais,
100 Bronte Rd, Oakville ON L6L 6L5
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Just like the pretty cupcakes it’s famous for, Sweet! Bakery & Tea House packs a lot of wow into a small package. The tiny Southwest Oakville shop feels more like a cozy retro home kitchen than a run-of-the-mill bakery: painted wood furnishings, the aroma of freshly-baked treats and the warm welcome of baker/owner Ashley Armstrong make every visit there special.

Ashley’s vibrant personality shines through in everything in her shop — from the branding and design to the vintage décor to the charming photo of herself, rolling pin in hand, that hangs near the counter.

“That’s me as a four-year-old making cookies in my mom’s kitchen!” she exclaims when asked about the picture.

From an early age Ashley understood the appeal of a home-baked goody versus a packaged one: “Most moms when I was growing up didn’t bake; they didn’t really value domestic pursuits and would rather work outside the home, which was fine. But, when other kids would come over and my mom would have homemade chocolate chip cookies, they’d freak out and say ‘Whoa! This is the best cookie I’ve ever had!’”

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