2843 Granville St, Vancouver BC V6H 3J4
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Évaluations et commentaires - JNBY

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    As a retail veteran, I know a few things about customer service. After my first, and last visit to JNBY, I was extremely unimpressed by the way I was treated by their manager. I will admit that although I did break some cardinal rules of asking to break their policy, the manager's reaction was less than satisfying. After purchasing a birthday gift under the assumption that she would be able to get store credit, I had unfortunately assumed wrong.JNBY offers an insanely inconvenient exchange policy of only 7 days. When asking that we simply do an exchange for a gift card (ensuring the store will still get their money), I was immediately shut down As I explained my story to the manager, she was anything but helpful. Under no circumstances do I need to hear that a manager "has no control", or "her manager will get mad". Does this mean I need to talk to her "big bad owner"? Because apparently he just sits in some unknown office and types away at his computer (yes, this is what I was told). So now I have an overly priced shirt that I can't give as a gift, or wear myself, sitting in my closet. Just to remind me how awful JNBY is. I'll suggest JNBY to anyone, if they're looking to pay too much for uninteresting clothing and bad service once they've charged you credit card.

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