Kate French Wear Inc
2843 Granville St, Vancouver BC V6H 3J4
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Stepping inside Kate French Wear, you’ll discover a carefully curated selection of contemporary clothing brands for women and be greeted with a smile by Kathryn Choquer and her team. This friendly, stylish bunch has the design sensibility to help you build a wardrobe that portrays your personality and has you looking your best.

“The top thing that I love to do at the store is help women get into a wardrobe that makes them feel like a rock star without spending a rock-star budget,” says Kathryn. Here to help, Kathryn invites you to have some fun and start showing the world your sense of style. “We all know that feeling of wearing a great outfit. It lifts you and makes you feel stronger. We really get a thrill out of helping women update their wardrobe in a way that makes sense for their life.”

At Kate French Wear, the staff turn an expert eye to helping customers pick out the best pieces. “You’ll hear us talking about fit, proportion, balance, scale, vertical line and all the elements of designs in a way that I’ve never experienced in retail,” says Kathryn. “Personally, I’ve always struggled with fit, and I really got to understand it while learning how to make patterns in design school.” This expertise helps Kathryn every day as she assists customers in finding the right cut for their shape.

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