The Sewing Junction
2841 Dundas St W, Toronto ON M6P 1Y6
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A glimpse through the large windows of The Sewing Junction will give you an instant feel for the place; you’re likely to see a group of sewers, young and old, novice and expert, laughing and chatting while working away at some brave new project.

Owner Clara Schwartz has seen the sewers do it all — from intricate quilts to beginners’ throw pillows. Others will be working on a dress or a wedding veil. In fact, The Sewing Junction even has a particular time slotted for these types of exploratory projects: it’s called “Choose Your Own Adventure” (yes, just like the books you read as a kid!).

“We offer group classes, private lessons, workshops, we host parties,” says Clara, “and we have studio rental time on Tuesdays.” Project-based group workshops include the required material to complete a project Clara has carefully chosen to reflect the season — a Christmas stocking, or a throw pillow, for instance.

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